Tuesday, May 8, 2012

It's been a week today

I'm still on the emotional roller coaster, but it does get better each day.  Came back to work yesterday, which luckily for me can mean going to the next room and not really having to see anyone - just email and phone calls.  I don't know when I'll  be ready to actually face people.

I had some pains yesterday that felt very much like ovulation pain, but that can't be, can it?  One bout of bleeding, and nothing since.  Hopefully that means this physical part is wrapping up and my body can start getting back to normal, whatever that is now.  With the first MC, it took months to feel "normal" again, that one was natural, and what became normal was a new normal.  I have no idea what to expect this time with the "medical intervention."

I cried a little last night, I woke up so angry yesterday that there was no longer a baby being formed inside.  But, maybe we'll try again someday.  Maybe not.  It's something that is completely up to us, and frankly, I don't want to hear anyone's opinion... the last one I heard was "You haven't really even tried yet - you have to!"  Ummm... I've gotten pregnant twice and miscarried twice - I call that trying.  Oh well, people just don't know what to say, and that's OK.  I have my awesome online support group of sadly, other women going through the same thing with pretty much the same timing, and honestly, they are the only people who have any idea of what I'm feeling and therefore are qualified to offer an opinion on any of it.  I don't know what I would do without those ladies.

One breath, one moment, one day at a time!

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